The Growth Mindset

Over 30 years ago, Dr Carol Dweck coined the term fixed mindset and growth mindset. Not surprisingly, people who have a fixed mindset do not change so much in their abilities. People with a growth mindset, meaning that they believe they can change and grow, will have much higher levels of accomplishments.Research shows that we can teach our brain to create new connections and strengthen existing ones. People who have a growth mindset behave differently.

Many people have a mix of different mindsets. For example, one person may believe that they can continue to learn new things, but they have a terrible memory and there’s nothing to do to change that. They can change and grow with how they treat strangers, but believe that their anger is non negotiable. The most important catalyst to any change is truly believing that it is possible. We really can control our anger, we can remember things better, we can learn to multi task and make new friends. All change is possible- we just need to believe it. After that, we need to work at it of course, but without the underlying belief, nothing will change. Believe in change- and make it happen.

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